Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hawaii to Japan

Hello again all!

Dude everytime I read your guys comments I just wanna talk to you all in person and hang out so bad! Zac – dude I was just bragging about you the other day to a buddy of mine on the ship who has a friend at the Air Force Academy. I forgot the kids name but he was 2 years older than us or something so I doubt you know him. Yeah it is crazy at night and during the day because we literally can’t see anything but wide open ocean. Like the other day we saw a ship on the horizon and everyone on the ship like ran outside to the rails just cause we were pumped to see evidence of life lol. There aren’t even birds once we get like 2 days away from land; maybe one or two albatross every-now-and-then but nothing on any kind of consistent level. It’s eerie man but at the same time I think it’s cool cause it’s a new experience. Daryl – that’s tight that they did that special LOST episode, you know everyone was watching it lol. That sucks about Jeffcoat but I have faith, we will find another stud linebacker. Keep me posted on recruiting man! I really appreciate it!! JT - haha thanx girl! Alex – dude I know! I am having MAJOR settlers withdraws and that is definitely one of the first things we are doing when I get back. Ahhhh I can’t wait lol. You should get my sister to play with you guys tho…she is bomb at settlers! Haha yeah dude the LOST stuff was tight! It made me totally fine with missing the last season cause I got to experience that. I mean they will have the DVD’s out soon enough. Dr. Wood – (or at least I’m assuming that the Mark that commented is the good Doctor himself) man mountain biking was sick!! Although I’m sure you and your marathon legs would have shown us all up. We were all dying the next day haha. Dad – heck yeah it was like a good Cussler novel. Everywhere is so new and exotic that it reminds me so much of those books. And don’t you even worry, I am watching my back. Always be suspicious right lol…some slick doctor told me that sometime ago haha.

Okay so I guess I have real short story to add since so many people are commenting on the LOST stuff. I didn’t put it in the last blog but I also drove around the warehouse that was used as the setting for a lot of the bunker/Darma building scenes. So yeah I got to see another major shooting location while I was in Honolulu. So yeah I went LOST crazy haha.

Well Hawaii is in our wake and we have begun our 11 day journey to Japan. For 11 days we will see nothing but the high seas and the people on the ship with us. Some people are really upset about this but I don’t see what the big deal is; I mean, I like everyone on the ship so I’m fine. I think some people are just upset cause they don’t get to see land for awhile and it bums them out that they won’t have cell service for awhile now. Personally I think its kinda cool because how many people can say they have gone 11 days without seeing land, with the exception of sailors that number is very, very small! And now I get to say I am part of that group too!!! So I am just viewing it as another adventure within this grand adventure and I am going to enjoy every minute of it!

After leaving Hawaii, everyone on the ship was exhausted; so for the first day and a half back the ship was so dead. There was like no one anywhere and nothing was really going on. I played a lot of cards with people and got ahead on some of my homework. There are these British guys on the ship and they are freaking awesome at Nerts (although in England they call it Pounce). So like the other night they invited me, Austin, Santa Fe, and Sarah to play with them and it was a blast. I had played before so I was able to hold my own but it was really funny watching Austin and some of the other guys learn had to play. We had about 9 people playing so if you have ever played Nerts you definitely know how that goes haha. It was crazy awesome!!!! There are other popular card games that we play on the ship but Nerts is spreading like wildfire! I don’t know if it’s because people wanna play with the British kids or what but everyone is starting to ask what is up with this crazy card game cause they hear us talking about it all the time. Oh and I watched FRIENDS…my friend Natalie is a die-hard FRIENDS watcher like myself and just so happened to bring all 10 seasons on DVD!! So now I can watch FRIENDS babay!!!!!!! Definitely a plus, especially when I need some time to just relax by myself for like an hour or two. Ok so here is a story that some of my you guys back home will appreciate. So I was wearing my “How You Doin’?” FRIENDS shirt the other day (just for you Chris) and was doing some homework in the piano lounge when this girl came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. She was like “Hi, you don’t know me but can I take a picture of your shirt.” I was like “Oh heck yeah you can take a pic of my shirt.” I had not met this girl yet (I mean obviously we have now, after this little experience) but she wanted a picture of MY shirt. That’s right everyone, probably your most UNFASHIONABLE friend, the kid who always wears a beat up ball-cap, t-shirts, and tennis shoes…yeah people wanted pictures of my clothes! That’s what’s up baby!!!!!

One of the coolest parts about leaving Hawaii was getting to hear everyone’s CRAZY stories, and I mean CRAZY is like a light word. Some stories were incredible to hear and it was so cool getting to talk with students and professors about what they learned and saw along the way. It was just a really cool experience cause no one did the same thing and everyone had their own personal adventures the way that they wanted to. It was like one giant continuous storytelling session for 2 days, and even longer on some occasions. People would just be sharing what they did and someone across the room would jump in and be like “Hey I did something similar” or “I did this instead,” and pretty soon you heard 3 more stories and made a new friends just cause they heard someone tell a cool story and wanted people to hear theirs. Just another example of how you are always meeting new people on this ship and it’s awesome!

Ever since leaving Hawaii everyone is now in “Plan-for-Japan” mode. All the travel books are checked out of the library and people are burning through their internet minutes booking hotel rooms and bus/train tickets in the hopes of planning the perfect 5 days. A lot of my friends are doing an intense 5 day trek across the whole country with a lot of time focused in Japan but I don’t really want to spend that much money in Japan. I am spending my money in other countries like Africa and China; besides, all the stuff I want to see in Japan I can see for cheap and not spend nearly as much money as them. I personally don’t see how anyone could have a bad time in these countries so I’m not too worried about it. It’s just funny seeing all these people who didn’t do any research at home run around like chickens-with-their-heads-cut-off trying to pull plans together at the last minute. Hahaha oh I am so glad my parents taught me how to travel cause some people are hilarious to watch plan stuff!! Thanks mom and dad!!

So I mentioned in a previous blog that there are various clubs and organizations that students on the ship can join and participate in as often and as much as they like. A couple nights ago the Latin Dancing club started and I totally went. That’s right…I went to a dancing club and learned how to Salsa!! Me, Tyler Smith!! And it was sooooo stinking fun! I mean I have always wanted to be able to dance well but I can’t freestyle to save my life (all of my friends know this all too well)…but I have always been able to learn a choreographed dance if it was taught to me. I mean I’m no pro or anything but I was able to get the basic steps down and just had a blast with it. The class is taught by two students, Beaa who is my friend from Puerto Rico, and Ben who I hadn’t met until I was at the dance class. They each are very good at Latin dancing and were really cool with teaching everyone that showed up. It was kind of a bummer cause only like 10 guys showed up and then like 60 girls. And for Salsa you obviously have to have a partner, so it was very easy for the guys but a lot of girls had to learn the “lead” roll as Beaa calls it. But anyways, it was cool cause we would learn a step, practice with our partner, then switch partners, learn another step, combine the steps, and repeat the process. It was a blast cause we got to meet new people and then also have fun learning how to Salsa. My last partner for the night was Aisha (again not quite sure how to spell that lol) and we had a lot of fun dancing together, partly cause we got to put all the steps together and we both were really excited to be able to do…and we both just had a lot of fun with it so that made the whole thing more fun. But anyways I just thought you should know that I am participating in a Latin Dancing club every other day I am at sea and it is freaking awesome!! I’m gunna come home a dancing fool haha!!! Anyways…next week…THE TANGO!

After being at sea and going through the process of enjoying a port, everyone has settled into life on the ship and the routines have been established. Everyone has figured out that they can get anywhere on the ship in about a minute and a half so no one is early to anything anymore. Similarly all the clubs and organizations have gotten into full swing so people have more things available to do in the evenings and early mornings. Now that people have settled into ship board life, I can’t help but think that living on this ship is so much like living in the dorms freshman year. I mean everything is so close together and every aspect of daily life is easily accessible, and even to a simpler degree because everything on the ship is even more compact. I don’t know about the other college kids, but anyone from OU who is reading this, don’t you remember just chilling on a study floor late at night or calling someone who lives a couple floors away and being like “hey what are you doing, wanna chill?” Okay so imagine that times 600 and that is what I have on this ship! There are like 4 main areas where people congregate to hang out and so whenever I am not doing anything, I just wander into one of those areas, and I am at the point where I know enough people now that I am guaranteed to find someone to chill with and play cards, or talk, or even do homework together. And on the off chance that I don’t know anyone, we are all like one huge shipboard family that I can just sit down, meet someone new and boom, new friend right there! It’s the coolest environment in the world and no one day is boring. I mean just today I met a girl on the deck after dinner whose name was Taylor and her family has a cabin on the mountain in Beaver Creek. It’s such a small world that we have probably been on that mountain at the same time and not even known it. And now a friendship is forming that started from a simple situation that back at our respected homes, most people would consider “awkward” or “social-weird” to just walk up and start a conversation with a random person or a random group. But out here in the middle of the ocean on a ship, no one really cares and everyone wants to meet new people. This makes for some awesome days and I can honestly say that between meeting new friends and strengthening existing friendships, not one single day on this ship has been boring.

Probably the most consistent theme that I personally feel on this ship is the drastically different spiritual opinions present from every corner of the United States. People are now comfortable enough around each other that you are getting into more serious conversations and people aren’t afraid to ask, “Well hey why don’t you drink?” or “You know, I have never heard you swear, why is that?” Just simple stuff like that is a consistent gateway into being able to express what I believe and why. There is also a Sunday Service group that has started and every Sunday night that we aren’t in port, we meet in the Union for an hour and hold a simple Sunday Service. It’s really nice to have that group of believers that I have found on the ship and to be able to participate in a routine group setting to worship our God and dwell on His Word.

As I look around the ship and realize that I am just one person in a group of over 800 people, it’s intimidating but also really exciting. The thing is I have 3.5 months to make a difference and then we are all going to get off this ship and go our separate ways. As I experience these mixed feelings I can’t help but think of the following lyrics to a popular song by Casting Crowns:

“Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin…would look on me with love…and watch me rise again. Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea…would call out through the rain…and calm the storm in me. Not because of who I am…but because of what you’ve done…not because of what I’ve done…but because of who You are!!!! I am, a flower quickly fading…here today and gone tomorrow…a wave tossed in the ocean… a vapor in the wind, still You, hear me when I’m calling…Lord you catch me when I’m falling…and You told me who I am…I AM YOURS!”

I am embarking on the adventure of a lifetime and I have 3.5 short months to make friendships that will last forever and an impact that can make a difference. This is scary, overwhelming, wonderful, unique, and extraordinary all at the same time! It is an amazing flood of emotions and opportunity and I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!!!!!!

I hope everyone is doing well and I hope you all are enjoying this blog! You all are in my prayers!! Love you all and I miss you guys!!



  1. Smithers! You dancing fool are going to have to be my date to some date party!!! you'll probably have to teach me some moves before so you dont show me up! haha and im not surprised that you are the expert trip planner on the boat:) im glad that the Lord is using your trip in so many ways! you have the opportunity of a lifetime to reach out to people all over the world and He can show you so many things about His creation and Himself through this. I am SOOO excited for you!!!! i just get pumped up while im reading your blog!!!!!!!!! by the way, i have survived ice break 2010 with no serious injuries. enjoy your days at sea!

  2. i love you!
    just had to let you know from the end of that...i look up to you so much even when youre thousands of miles away! keep it up! youre amazing!

  3. Great stuff once again. I am so proud of you for seeing the opportunity of ministry that is in front of you and not just the travel and experiences. (Tear) I will be praying for the relationships that God gives you. I pray that you would find relationships for you to impact others and relationships that impact and grow you. Love you man keep it going.

  4. tylerrr!

    thank you for putting up some pics! ...but who are these friends of yours in them??? ya might want to put a caption under them or somethin :) i reeally enjoyed reading all about hawaii! sounds like you had a blast and im glad to hear it!!

    byy the wayy..youve been missing some craaaazzy goood criminal minds!!!! even though hawaii and soon to be japan is more exciting than criminal minds...just saying youre gonna to need to get caught up when you get back!!!!!

    so this stupid storm we had has caused me to miss a trip i was supossed to be taking to denver this past weekend :( yess..for dance of course! and it was goooing to be aamazing! didnt happen. but God is good as always and turned it into a blessing in disguise:) because it has been reschedualed for march in CHICAAAGO! i cant waaait! ive always wanted to go to chicago for dance!

    okayy so about this latin dance class you took....YYYYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHH BUDDDYYYYY!!!!!
    i am soooo stinkin prrroud of you!!!!!! noww im expecting you to come back ready to show me that you can daaance! looook who's the DAAAANCIN DIIVVAA NOW!?! ;)

    always praying for ya tyler!!!
    love ya bro,

  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, i cannot believe YOU are in a latin dance class! oh my goodness, i would pay some good money to see that! and tyler,you have truly found your fashion niche if people are taking pictures of you for your shirts! anyway hope you don't mind, but i gave your blog address to a friend who's going to SAS this summer! i thought it might be good info for her as she gets ready for her trip! so good to see you remembering your focus of why you're on the ship and even why you're on earth! i'll be praying for your vision to find purpose in everything... your conversations, actions, relationships, and dance moves :)

    loved reading your blog as usual! keep up the detailed work!


    p.s. kayla told me today she was going to set up a google account to comment... you better watch out! HAHA!

  6. Dude!!! T-Smith dancin with the ladies!!!! How is it a bummmer that only 10 guys showed up? THOSE ARE GREAT NUMBERS (6:1 BABY!!!)!!!! That's funny about the shirt.... great investment haha. Natalie lied, I had to put her in her place... again. She has a nice shiner now. Praying for ya bro!

  7. I feel so behind, first comment....but here goes.

    U dance??!! My life is now complete knowing Tyler Smith will return to the states a dancer trained in the classic Latin form...also a great way to meet some of the female passengers...but i digress. Cuz you know where i want to go with that comment.

    I watched the 3 hours of LOST coverage ABC had to offer tonight...dont worry u can continue reading, not going to give anything away. Wish you could have been here for a watch party, but i now am hooked on the show...i feel so shameless...u win, haha.

    Ohh Friends!! The Lord does provide, haha. Like the story about the shirt.

    Well enjoy the next week and half at sea, praying for you and glad the adventure is starting so amazingly!!

    P.S.-tell Kayln (Santa Fe) hey for me.

    Adios for now, look forward to the next post.
