Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rocking and Rolling at Sea

Hello again!!

Right now I am sitting in the middle of the Pacific Ocean getting tossed from side to side because of 20 foot waves (no exaggeration). And those are just the normal small ones too!! We are currently taking a 300+ mile detour around this huge storm that is hitting/about to hit the West Coast. Despite the detour we are still getting like the outskirts of the storm and the waves are just insane. Literally as you walk down the hall, you physically run into every wall. We all joke that we feel like human pinballs lol. We also found out that our detour is taking us through the “Green Strip” which is apparently the worst section of the Pacific as far as rough seas go. It was described to us as the captain picking the lesser of two evils to take us through on the way to Hawaii.

Luckily I haven’t gotten sick yet (thank you all for your prayers, they are definitely helping!). My roommate however got soooooooo sick the second night on the ship. Like really bad. He is better now, but he was not feeling so hot for like 15 hours.

After orientations, everyone was a lot happier on the ship. We had this “involvement symposium” thing where we could all sign up for clubs and orientations with people with similar interests. Then there are people like heading up every organization to organize everything. I signed up for every intramural that they offered; it included dodgeball, basketball (which should be funny), volleyball, and soccer. Don’t really know how soccer will work but we will see. The things I am most excited about that I signed up for were a Bible Study group and a Sunday Service group. I was excited that there were actually a significant amount of people interested in it and I can’t wait till we get started. Oh and I also signed up for Yoga, I just figured “what the heck, why not?!?!?”

My first day of class went well. I have Politics in the morning, and I really like my professor! He was really down to earth and understands that we are all kinda in awe of what we are doing and that school work can be cumbersome. He is also from Moab so I stayed after class and talked to him about jeeping for a little bit. Even though I hate Politics I think I might enjoy that class. My global studies class is the one that everyone on the ship has to take and it was ok, didn’t really do much the first day tho…but I mean I was ok with that haha.

That night a big group of 9 of us went to dinner and talked about doing stuff together in some of the ports and stuff. It was also sweet cause a lot of us had signed up for similar trips on the pre-sale stuff. We ended up going up on one of the decks and decided to play apples to apples. Our group of 9 quickly grew to a group of 17. 17 PEOPLE?!?!?! That is an unreal amount of people playing…but it was freaking awesome at the same!!!! The coolest part was the fact that we were hitting the biggest waves of the trip so far. Like the ship would tilt to one side and all the chairs and tables on the deck (including the ones we were sitting on) would start sliding toward the railing; then we would tilt the other way and slide back to where we started. It was awesome!! It’s also really funny trying to eat because everything slides around and you have to keep a close eye on your drink or it will spill on your neighbor.

My second day of class was pretty much the same as the first one. I enjoyed my Marine Biology class and I actually met another girl from OU, although I already forgot her name. We both had just figured we were the only ones from OU so it was a nice surprise to find a fellow sooner. People are already getting into the routine of class and people are spread out everywhere doing homework.

Your classes are scheduled on either A or B days. For instance I have Politics on A days. Then while we are at sea they just alternate ABABAB. So like today was a B day and I had two classes in the morning and then had a break between 1015 and lunch. So for a nice hour and a half I got to sit out in the sun (it was about 80 degrees today so it was beautiful!!) and do homework/reading while looking out over the ocean. That’s right; I sat outside, with friends, doing homework, on a ship, in the middle of the ocean. Sure beats a classroom huh?!?! It’s so cool just looking out every direction and seeing endless ocean with nothing else in sight. Seeing God’s limitless creation is indescribable, I find myself just staring in awe out across the water just trying to take it all in. I mean it gives Genesis a whole new meaning when it says that God “made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it…God called the expanse sky” Genesis 1:7. It’s literally indescribable to be seeing so much of God’s creation first hand and sailing over miles upon miles of it. God is so incredible and just something as simple as the vast oceans is breathtaking knowing that He designed it and created it!!!

Well I’m gunna go do some more reading for my Global Studies class. Probably go sit outside again cause it feels awesome (it’s the first sun we have seen since we started). Hope all is well! Oh and thank you guys so much for commenting, it’s really nice to hear from you all. I love hearing from you all and it crazy how much I already miss you all.

Love you guys!!

T Smith


  1. Tyler, the adventure has started and it is sooo cool to see you all making the most out of a poor wise that is. It is great to read about all the things you are experiencing and seeing and you haven't even hit Hawaii yet. Some of these folks that you will get to know will become lifelong friends...also very cool. I hope that you are getting enough food to eat and it sounds like the OU cap is paying off in attracting people for you to meet...or is it that infectious smile you have...haha.

    Sports....Texas is no longer unbeaten and got pasted by KSU at KSU. OU lost a close one at A&M. OU women upset A&M at OU. Hope you get to see the NFL games this weekend.

    Politics....the republican in Massachusetts upset the dem for Teddy Kennedy's seat. That now means that the dems no longer have 60 in the senate. Hopefully this means that the health bill gets put on hold and the congress pays more attention to the economy, jobs, and how to pay the bills the congress has already voted on.

    Love you buddy. Thanks for the blogs. Dad

  2. im jealous!!! yeah classrooms suck! lol. im glad you're enjoying yourself! must be gorgeous! they told us all week it would be high 60s...they lied. with the wind it felt like 50 so i was very upset. i wish i could sit in 80 degree sunlight! don't get to tan...ill never catch up! lol I love hearing you talk about God and all His wonders! keep it up! love you
    court (your favorite sister...real or fake)

  3. What an awesome experience you are having so far! Of course, I would be the one throwing up with those kind of waves :). I loved reading about sitting in the ocean and doing your homework...that is the life!!! God has created a wonderful universe with very different people and cultures and you are going to love getting this opportunity to see so much of the world. Stay well! Love you, Mom

  4. TYLER!!!
    I was just talking about you to Logan yesterday and we canNOT wait for you to get back BUTTT at the same time, i am so glad you are having a super-fun-adventure!! We miss you and can't wait to hear more stories ("Tyler Tales" as i call them). Be safe and please don't die.

    [I'm the first NON-Smith to comment!]

  5. We are enjoying your blogs and keeping up with the grand adventure God has you engaged in.
    We will continue to pray for you!

    Abby wants to say a big Hi!

    Until The Whole World Knows,

  6. Smithers!

    You do know how to tell a story...
    but anyway, I was telling all my friends what you're doing this semester and they were like "wait.. Semester At Sea?!" and I guess a girl from Edmond named Kaylin (sp?) goes to school at Arkansas but is on the very same adventure as you! Jill and Megan said you two would get along grrreat! So that would just be very cool if you had already met and become bffs.

    Miss you lots!
